About LION
The mission of the Land Information Officers Network is to provide a forum for communication and knowledge sharing geared toward making county LIOs more successful in implementing the Wisconsin Land Information Program.
A. Each of the 72 counties in Wisconsin has an appointed representative to conduct the business of the Wisconsin Land Information Program for his/her county. To best serve the taxpayers of Wisconsin and to promote the WLIP philosophy of sharing information resources, it behooves us to form an assemblage of those representatives. This state-wide organization, named Land Information Office Network (LION) is established to:
- Educate each other and share innovation.
- Enter into cooperative agreements to take advantage of large-scale savings.
- Promote communication exchanges between counties, state and federal agencies.
- Be a resource for the Wisconsin Land Information Program.
- Aid in the advancement of the Wisconsin Land Records Modernization Program.
Membership consists of a Land Information Officer (LIO) from each county and/or a designated alternate.
Each county is entitled to one vote by the LIO or the designated alternate. Absentee ballots will be accepted via email from the LIO or the designated alternate.
Election of Officers
The Board of Directors shall govern the Land Information Officers Network (LION). The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Chair, Chair Elect, immediate Past Chair, Secretary, and two at large LIOs.
The Chair Elect, Secretary, and the two at large LIOs shall be elected at large from the eligible membership at the annual WLIA Conference.
The Chair Elect is a three-year term: one year as Chair Elect, one year as Chair, and one year as Past Chair. The Secretary and the at large LIOs shall be elected for two-year terms with the terms of the at large LIOs ending in alternate years.
Meetings of LION shall be in conjunction with the WLIA membership meetings. Meetings for the formulation of policies, receipt of reports and transactions of business shall be held annually at the WLIA Conference.
The Board of Directors may call special meetings of the organization at such time and place, as they may deem necessary.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the delegates present and voting at any regular or called meeting shall be sufficient to carry any motion or resolution before the group, Board of Directors or in a committee.
Duties of Officers
The LION Chair shall preside at the Board of Directors Meetings, the Annual State Meeting and Regional Meetings. The Chair shall appoint all committees and designate the chair. All committee chairpersons and members shall serve at the discretion of the Chair.
The Secretary shall carry on general correspondence, keep and furnish copies of the minutes and perform miscellaneous duties as stated below:
- Attend and take minutes of the Board of Directors Meetings. Send out copies of minutes within 2 months after the Directors Meeting to the Board of Directors.
- Attend and take minutes of the Annual State Meeting and Quarterly Regional Meetings. Send out copies of the minutes and related information within 2 months after meetings to all LIO’s.
- Maintain an orderly and complete file system of all the minutes and related data of the organization.
- Each year after the Annual State Meeting, the Secretary shall have the prior year’s file imaged and filed with the Wisconsin Office of Land Information Services. The secretary shall retain the paper files for the 5 most recent years.
Notice of Meeting
Members of LION shall be given at least 15 days notice of each regularly scheduled meeting and a tentative agenda.
Appointment of Committees
The Chair shall appoint committee members.
Vacancies of Office
Should the Chair be unable to complete his or her term of office, the Chairperson Elect shall fill the term.
Should the Chair Elect be unable to complete his or her term of office, the seat will remain open until a new election is held at the annual WLIA conference.
Should the Past Chair be unable to complete his or her term of office, the Chair shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint a person deemed qualified to fulfill that term.
Should the Secretary be unable to complete his or her term of office, the Chair shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint a person deemed qualified to fulfill that term.
Should an at large LIO be unable to complete his or her term of office, the Chair shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint a person deemed qualified to fulfill that term.
Roberts Rules of Order
Roberts Rules of Order, where applicable, shall govern the Annual State Meeting.
Chair-Elect - Andy Hess
Past Chair - Rob Sommers
LIO-at-large - Fred Iausly
LIO-at-large - Kim Meinert
Secretary - Sara Chiamulera
Chair-Elect - Eric Damkot
Past Chair - Brett Budrow
LIO-at-large - Adam Grassl
LIO-at-large - Fred Iausly
Secretary - Sara Chiamulera
Chair-Elect - Rob Sommers
Past Chair - Shaun Wood
LIO-at-large - Joe Martell
LIO-at-large - Adam Grassl
Secretary - Jim Landwehr
Interim Secretary - Sara Chiamulera
Chair-Elect - Brett Budrow
Past Chair - Rob Sommers
LIO-at-large - Carrie Morrell
LIO-at-large - Joe Martel
Secretary - Jim Landwehr
Chair-Elect - Shaun Wood
Past Chair - Zachery Newton
LIO-at-large - Carrie Morrell
LIO-at-large - Doug Avoles
Secretary - Jim Landwehr
Chair-Elect - Rob Sommers
Past Chair - Brett Budrow
LIO-at-large - Joe Martel
LIO-at-large - Doug Avoles
Secretary - Jim Landwehr
Chair-Elect - Zachery Newton
Past Chair - Brett Budrow
LIO-at-large - Joe Martel
LIO-at-large - Jim Landwehr
Secretary - Cristina Richards
Chair-Elect - Lauree Aulik
LIO-at-large - Jim Landwehr
LIO-at-large - David Poffinbarger
Secretary - Cristina Richards
Chair-Elect - Brett Budrow
LIO-at-large - Jason Poser
LIO-at-large - David Poffinbarger
Secretary - Jeff Hartman
Past-Chair - Sara McCurdy, Polk County
Chair-Elect - Jeremiah Erickson, Monroe County
LIO-at-large - Kelly Felten, Sauk County
LIO-at-large - Brett Budrow, St. Croix County
Secretary - Jeff Hartman, Portage County
Past-Chair - Al Brokmeier, Kenosha County
Chair-Elect - Jodi Helgeson, Adams County
LIO-at-large - Brad Bastian, Outogamie County
LIO-at-large - Jeremiah Erickson, Monroe County
Secretary - Jeff Hartman, Portage County
Past-Chair - Ian Grasshoff, Waupaca County
Chair-Elect - Sara McCurdy, Polk County
LIO-at-large - Brad Bastian, Outogamie County
LIO-at-large - Cristina Richards, Ozaukee County
Secretary - Jeff Hartman, Portage County
Past-Chair - Jeff DuMez, Brown County
Chair-Elect - Al Brokmeier, Kenosha County
LIO-at-large - Cristina Richards, Ozaukee County
LIO-at-large - Barb Gibson, Vilas County
Secretary - Jeff Hartman, Portage County
Past-Chair - Fred Iausly, Dane County
Chair-Elect - Ian Grasshoff, Waupaca County
LIO-at-large - Eric Damkot, Washington County
LIO-at-large - Barb Gibson, Vilas County
Secretary - Jeff Hartman, Portage County
Past-Chair - Mary Jean Ritchie, Lafayette County
Chair-Elect - Jeff DuMez, Brown County
LIO-at-large - Eric Damkot, Washington County
LIO-at-large - Sally Reedy, Shawano County
Secretary - Jeff Hartman, Portage County
Past-Chair - Terry Dietzel, Fond du Lac County
Chair-Elect - Fred Iausly, Dane County
LIO-at-large - Jeff DuMez, Brown County
LIO-at-large - Martin Goettl, Trempealeau County
Secretary - Joyce Fiacco, Dodge County
Past-Chair - Bret Davies, Juneau County
Chair-Elect - Mary Jean Ritchie, Lafayette County
LIO-at-large - Jeff DuMez, Brown County
LIO-at-large - Martin Goettl, Trempealeau County
Secretary - Joyce Fiacco, Dodge County
Past-Chair - Mark Teuteberg, Oconto County
Chair-Elect - Terry Dietzel, Fond du Lac County
LIO-at-large - Jeff DuMez, Brown County
LIO-at-large - Sherri Hawkins, Green County
Secretary - Joyce Fiacco, Dodge County
Past-Chair - Diann Danielson, Dane County
Chair-Elect - Bret Davies, Juneau County
LIO-at-large - Sherri Hawkins, Green County
LIO-at-large - Mike Romportl, Oneida County
Secretary - Joyce Fiacco, Dodge County
Past-Chair - Jason Grueneberg, Wood County
Chair-Elect - Damon Anderson, Ozaukee County
LIO-at-large - Bret Davies, Juneau County
Secretary - Joyce Fiacco, Dodge County
Past-Chair - Scott Godfrey, Iowa County
Chair-Elect - Diann Danielsen, Dane County
LIO-at-large - Scott Galetka, Lincoln County
Secretary - Joyce Fiacco, Dodge County
Past-Chair - Andy Erdman, Jefferson County
Chair-Elect - Jason Grueneberg, Wood County
LIO-at-large - Cathy DeLain, Manitowoc County
Secretary - Joyce Fiacco, Dodge County
Past-Chair - Ken Pabich, Calumet County
Chair-Elect - Scott Godfrey, Iowa County
LIO - Cathy DeLain, Manitowoc County
Secretary - Don Dittmar, Waukesha County
Chair-Elect - Phil Hahn, Vernon County
LIO - David Kaiserk, Rusk County
LIO - Jeff DuMez, Brown County
Secretary - Don Dittmar, Waukesha County